Eric Hodson

Eric Hodson

Critical Care Nurse

Eric has always seen things a little differently. At times long-winded and a bit extraneous, he cuts to the heart of issues without flinching. Sometimes poetic, sometimes philosophical, often reflective, Eric tries to synthesize the human experience with the inhumanity we providers often experience.

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September 7, 2017

Do Not Fear Disaster

Praesent euismod pulvinar, quam ut vehicula convallis ligula tortor venenatis augue id dolor sit amet sapien a ligula. Nam eu venenatis quis, odio. Suspendisse at est ullamcorper wisi vulputate luctus. Phasellus tellus pede.
May 4, 2017

My First Loss

I went to an EMT class over the summer between my first and second year. It was a great program, taught by a crusty old Paramedic with more horror stories than I had ever imagined. One day in particular I remember best. He came to the front of the class and showed us accidents that he had seen. Cars and bodies mangled and disfigured in ways I could never have imagined possible. Watching us cringe, he put down the remote to the slide show.
April 5, 2017

Modesty, Privacy, Dignity

If the person at the time of disrobing has all their facilities, then the hospital gown may seem better suited for a fraternity initiation stunt then the first step into the most advanced medical care in the world. For most patients, conscious or otherwise, the hospital gown is rarely a confidence booster.
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